17th of Uktar, 1371 DR
After recoverin’ from our encounter with the Mind Flayer, we ran a few errands (I was able to get a few magical items commissioned). In an interestin’ turn of events, Tyree accidentally brought Mascar WinterEagle to us. Mascar was tryin’ to find a group of mercenaries to hide him from the authorities and the justice of the Hill Giants and instead, he found us. We arrested him and turned him over to Fenton.
While this doesn’t really make up for the error in judgment of not arrestin’ him in the first place, this fortunate happenstance gives the illusion of us bein’ able to track down fugitives in short order.
18th of Uktar, 1371 DR
Usin’ the note we had found about a meetin’ with the Mind Flayer and Tyree’s hard-earned knowledge of the City of Splendors we found the sewer entrance at the intersection in question. Tyree also mentioned that this beggar’s gold mold only grows in the run off from smithies and this information helped us choose which of the ten sewer tunnels to investigate.
I find it endlessly amusin’ and frustratin’ that Tyree can be so useful to our band (what with his combat skills and his useful tidbits of information), yet be such a detriment to us in any kind of social settin’. Certainly his contributions far outweigh his social gaffs. I just can’t help but believe that Tyree could be known as a great hero were it not for the social handicaps imposed on him by his origins and mannerisms.
After recoverin’ from our encounter with the Mind Flayer, we ran a few errands (I was able to get a few magical items commissioned). In an interestin’ turn of events, Tyree accidentally brought Mascar WinterEagle to us. Mascar was tryin’ to find a group of mercenaries to hide him from the authorities and the justice of the Hill Giants and instead, he found us. We arrested him and turned him over to Fenton.
While this doesn’t really make up for the error in judgment of not arrestin’ him in the first place, this fortunate happenstance gives the illusion of us bein’ able to track down fugitives in short order.
18th of Uktar, 1371 DR
Usin’ the note we had found about a meetin’ with the Mind Flayer and Tyree’s hard-earned knowledge of the City of Splendors we found the sewer entrance at the intersection in question. Tyree also mentioned that this beggar’s gold mold only grows in the run off from smithies and this information helped us choose which of the ten sewer tunnels to investigate.
I find it endlessly amusin’ and frustratin’ that Tyree can be so useful to our band (what with his combat skills and his useful tidbits of information), yet be such a detriment to us in any kind of social settin’. Certainly his contributions far outweigh his social gaffs. I just can’t help but believe that Tyree could be known as a great hero were it not for the social handicaps imposed on him by his origins and mannerisms.
Be that as it may, we were soon presented with evidence that we were on the right track when we found a decomposin’ body with a hole drilled in the skull – the signature of our Mind Flayer adversary. Eventually we came upon a break in the sewer line openin’ into some sort of rough-hewn or natural cavern. The Shriekers guardin’ the entrance gave off their horrible noise, so we plunged ahead knowing we’d be facin’ stiff resistance.
Sure enough, in a wide hall with a ledge some 20’ high we were set upon by Drow archers. I killed one immediately with a Chain Missile spell (injurin’ all his allies in the process) and then directed the combat from the ground to save my spells for the showdown with the Mind Flayer. Alobron and Tyree killed the rest with fire support from Rumple and Egwaine. We suffered relatively light injuries and after taking a moment to heal and loot bodies we continued down the hall.
Sure enough, in a wide hall with a ledge some 20’ high we were set upon by Drow archers. I killed one immediately with a Chain Missile spell (injurin’ all his allies in the process) and then directed the combat from the ground to save my spells for the showdown with the Mind Flayer. Alobron and Tyree killed the rest with fire support from Rumple and Egwaine. We suffered relatively light injuries and after taking a moment to heal and loot bodies we continued down the hall.

Next, we came to a room with a pool of fresh water fed by a fast-flowin’ stream. The room was inhabited by a Guardian Naga whom we negotiated safe passage with. It cost us some of the Drow’s magic, but we didn’t have to waste time or spells fightin’ the Naga. In addition, we were able to gain some information about the Mind Flayer (his name is Xizirzog, for example) as well.
After a short while, the halls pilled out into a large cavern with a ramp on one side and a door in the north wall guarded by a trio of squirmers. The cavern was also chock full of Drow led by a priestess!
After a short while, the halls pilled out into a large cavern with a ramp on one side and a door in the north wall guarded by a trio of squirmers. The cavern was also chock full of Drow led by a priestess!

I took out the priestess with an Empowered Fel Drain Magic Missile, insurin’ she’d no longer aid in the fight. Another Magic Missile spell took out the Drow sniper leadin’ the archers. Aedrinar proved what a Warmage is capable, first scorchin’ all the Drow with a Blast of Flame (killin’ one outright) and then disruptin’ the archers with a Fireball (killin’ another two with that blast). Alobron, flyin’ over the heads of the Drow and cleavin’ skulls with this falchion killed two and injured two others. Rumple only killed one, but he provided flanks for Tyree and soften up targets so the Uthgardt could finish them off. Tyree killed three Drow while Storn finished off the rest of the infantry Drow. Egwaine managed to keep Alobron healed from a distance and caused the squirmers to flee the divine presence of Kelemvor so that Aedrinar could finish them off safely from a distance with Magic Missiles.
Despite numerous injuries suffered, it was a fine battle which we executed with sound tactics and decisive violence.
I have to wonder, though…how many of these damned Drow does this Mind Flayer have?
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