16th of Uktar, 1371 DR
The Mind Flayer’s ambush was fiendishly clever. At least a half-dozen Drow thralls were hidin’ in magical darkness that we somehow failed to take note of, even though it was painfully obvious that there were pools of darkness in the corners of the room ignorin’ our light sources. One of the Drow was a skirmisher of some kind and was frighteningly deadly with his bow. The Mind
Flayer hit us with a mind blast and Alabron and I were sent reelin’ – basically takin’ us out of the fight. By the time we could think straight, there were only a couple of thralls left to fight, so I just directed tactics from the metal platform while Alabron hurled his falchion, desperate to get in the fight.
Three people saved us in this fight. I credit Aedrinar with savin’ our lives. As soon as he could react, instead of usin’ a common (and possibly ineffective) Fireball or some other attack spell, he dropped a Stinkin’ Cloud on the main group of Drow and the Mind Flayer. Not only did this confuse the thrall’s line of attack and force ‘em into less cohesive formations, but it completely drove the Illithid away! Were it not for Aedrinar’s quick thinkin’, I can’t help but believe we’d all be thralls by now.
Storn and Rumple bravely jumped down to the ground to deal with the Drow lest they put us all to sleep with their poisoned arrows. With Storn absorbin’ an amazin’ amount of punishment, Rumple was able to flank Drow at will. Both Storn and Rumple killed three of the thralls and Storn also killed the skirmisher. Alabron and Aedrinar also chalked up a kill each.
We limped home with our booty, finally rescuin’ Illya Starmane along the way. She didn’t sound at all pleased with us, but did mention we should come by her estate once she could be sure there was no Doppleganger impersonatin’ her.
17th of Uktar, 1371 DR
Runnin’ errands today. We talked to the Agents of the Alliance and presented them with all our evidence and a detailed accountin’ of what went on inside the Sodden Hold. We also collected a reward for the “super” Doppelganger we killed and were charged with trackin’ the Mind Flayer to its lair and killin’ it.
Tyree is pretty sure he knows how to find the creature based on some strange fungus the Drow had on their boots. That combined with the directions we have on where the Doppelganger leader was supposed to meet the Illithid means we should be able to find the thing.
Bought some more healing hands and commissioned a Portable Hole. Very excitin’ that. Now we won’t have to debate which bulky treasures to leave behind. We can just take it all.
We’re goin’ to discuss strategy and spells tonight over dinner, for tomorrow we hunt Mind Flayer!
The Mind Flayer’s ambush was fiendishly clever. At least a half-dozen Drow thralls were hidin’ in magical darkness that we somehow failed to take note of, even though it was painfully obvious that there were pools of darkness in the corners of the room ignorin’ our light sources. One of the Drow was a skirmisher of some kind and was frighteningly deadly with his bow. The Mind

Three people saved us in this fight. I credit Aedrinar with savin’ our lives. As soon as he could react, instead of usin’ a common (and possibly ineffective) Fireball or some other attack spell, he dropped a Stinkin’ Cloud on the main group of Drow and the Mind Flayer. Not only did this confuse the thrall’s line of attack and force ‘em into less cohesive formations, but it completely drove the Illithid away! Were it not for Aedrinar’s quick thinkin’, I can’t help but believe we’d all be thralls by now.
Storn and Rumple bravely jumped down to the ground to deal with the Drow lest they put us all to sleep with their poisoned arrows. With Storn absorbin’ an amazin’ amount of punishment, Rumple was able to flank Drow at will. Both Storn and Rumple killed three of the thralls and Storn also killed the skirmisher. Alabron and Aedrinar also chalked up a kill each.
We limped home with our booty, finally rescuin’ Illya Starmane along the way. She didn’t sound at all pleased with us, but did mention we should come by her estate once she could be sure there was no Doppleganger impersonatin’ her.
17th of Uktar, 1371 DR
Runnin’ errands today. We talked to the Agents of the Alliance and presented them with all our evidence and a detailed accountin’ of what went on inside the Sodden Hold. We also collected a reward for the “super” Doppelganger we killed and were charged with trackin’ the Mind Flayer to its lair and killin’ it.
Tyree is pretty sure he knows how to find the creature based on some strange fungus the Drow had on their boots. That combined with the directions we have on where the Doppelganger leader was supposed to meet the Illithid means we should be able to find the thing.
Bought some more healing hands and commissioned a Portable Hole. Very excitin’ that. Now we won’t have to debate which bulky treasures to leave behind. We can just take it all.
We’re goin’ to discuss strategy and spells tonight over dinner, for tomorrow we hunt Mind Flayer!
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