There was a big parade today to celebrate the last day of the games. We and the other two semi-finalists walked around to the cheers and jeers of the people of Waterdeep. After some long speeches and announcements, the semi-final round matches got underway.
Auric's Warband wiped out the Teeth of Malar. The Werewolves never really stood a chance against the Golems, although they managed to disable one and damage several others. We were forced to fight a pair of Froghemoths named Madtooth and Mudsucker. These gigantic, frog-like aberrations were swimmin' rapidly in the moat which surrounded us, probably just waitin' for us to venture close.
I stopped them in as rude a fashion as I could by creatin' a Wall of Force right in front of one. It slammed into it with a resounding "bong" that echoed through the water of the moat, stunnin' it long enough for us to get a jump on it. Although he couldn't see the beast through the murky water, Mel fired a Lightnin' Bolt into the water. As soon as it hit, the electricity dispersed in a cloud of jumpin' sparks. The thrashin' in the water told us the monster was unhappy. It popped its grotesque head out of the water and started to lumber up on the dirt of the arena floor. A huge, sticky tongue flew from its gaping maw and lassoed Tyree! Alabron moved in, but his sword slipped off the creatures wet, rubbery hide. Rumple got into a flankin' position and delivered a deep wound with his rapier. Storn followed up with a blow that took off one of its fat, green toes. I riddles the creature's flank with a barrage of Empowered Magic Missiles and Egwain healed Tyree while he struggled in vain against the monster's tongue. All the while, the second Frogehmoth swam towards us.
Mel dropped a Fireball on the Frogemoth's exposed topside. That didn't stop if from swallowin' Tyree in one gulp! Then the monster went berserk and slammed into Storn with a pair of powerful blows and tried to grab him. Storn had other ideas and nearly severed the offendin' limb. The Frogehmoth changed tactics and grabbed Rumple instead. Alaron took several swings at the monster, but only managed to hit it once as Rumple struggled pointlessly against the creature's bulk. Rumple was safe, though, because Storn finished the beast off with a single thrust through its heart. Egwain healed Rumple with her wand just before the second Frogehmoth arrived, launhin' its tongue at Alabron. Alobron cut off the tip of the tongue, avoidin' entanglement. I blasted the newcomer with a Fel Drain Empowered Magic Missile.
Mel welcomed the new frog-monster with a Cone of Cold. Alobron landed a tellin' blow of his own on the beast while Storn tried to close with the thing (sufferin' a powerful blow to the chest for his troubles). Egwaine healed Storn from a distance with her magic. meanwhile, there was no sign of Tyree who must have been strugglin' to free himself from the belly of the Frogehmoth which had now slid back into the moat! The last Frogehmoth unleashed its fury on Storn, batterin' him from side to side wiuth a barrage of five attacks! (The beast might have well be poundin' on a mountain for all the reaction it got from Storn.) It even managed to slap Alabron around a little. I ripped into it with some Magic Missiles and whispered a message to Alabron for an idea I had.
Mel blasted the creature with another Cone of Cold, but he didn't need to bother. Alobron shot it with a Ray of Stupidity, causing it to collapse and slide into the moat to drown. Several moments later we were able to rescue Tyree just before he suffocated in the belly of the beast.
The crowd went nuts.
That evenin', Tyree got a letter from Captain Okorol. Since he can't read, he had Alabron read it to him. It was the most venom and hate filled letter I've ever heard - borderin' on the incoherent. Okoral was basically challengin' Tyree to a duel...alone. Alabron left that part out. We spent some time figurin' if we could somehow ambush Okoral, but he had planned too well for that. So we just left him sittin' out there in the arena.
The Next day, the final match, had a packed house. Even Open Lord Piergiron Paladinson was there to watch! As it turned out, all the fanfare was for naught. Kellick had tried to repair his Golems for the fight and somehow broke them instead, so Auric's Warband forfieted. Despite being declared the new champions, it was all quite anti-climatic.
I did, however, get a chance to talk to Lord Piergiron Paladinson and inform him of the goings on during the games. This resulted in the arrest of Talabir Welik the Red Wizard, but Captain Okorol and Loris Raknian escaped justice...for now.
Feast of the Moon, 1371 DR
The awards dinner was also celebratin' the Fest of the Moon. It was a fancy gala event that Alabron and Storn almost ruined (Alabron mostly). Al really "let the Orc out" tonight. He was as bad as Tyree has ever been in a social setting. If not for some fancy words and quick thinkin' by me, I think he'd have been tossed out on his pointed green ear.

1st of Nightal, 1371 DR, morning
Off to Diamond Lake today.
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