27th of Uktar, 1371 DR
Since the green light emanatin' from the scroll seemed dangerous, we decided to avoid it and went through the smaller door in the room. We followed a short hall to another door beyond which we could hear a woman cryin'. Inside the bedroom was a beautiful red-headed woman sobbin' uncontrollably. As she stood, completely nude save for a veil, she began to sway and gyrate. We realized two things. First, this was, in fact, Lahaka (Ekyam’s sister). Second, she was some kind of strange Undead creature.
We, sadly, dispatched her quickly and without any harm to us thanks to Egwaine's timely turnin'. Upon further examination, Egwaine estimated she'd been dead for a year or more - pretty much the exact time she went missin'.
We entered another room that had some kind of low, green fog coverin' the floor and the room was split by a curtain. When Alabron went to check out the room behind the curtain, a bizarre, blob-like Demon spillin' out of one of them wax-covered vats blasted him (and Storn) with a Cone of Cold. Behind the blob demon was a Symbol of Fear spilling green worms from its eyes and mouth into the room.
Poor Alabron was not only affected by the Symbol of Fear, but he was also nauseated by the Stinking Cloud the blob demon dropped in the room. Mel promptly dispelled the Stinking Cloud allowin' Tyree to run into the room and tear down the curtain. I moved in and blasted the beast with a Magic Missile spell, but was unable to penetrate its spell resistance. Egwaine cast Resurgence on Storn (also affected by the Symbol of Fear), but he was too terrified and continued his headlong flight back to the Coenobe.
Rumple moved into a good flankin' position and paid for it when the blob bit him and lashed him with one of its tendrils. Another tendril smacked Tyree in the face. As Tyree completed the flanking maneuver, Rumple drove his rapier deep into the demon's fleshy body and was rewarded by a high-pitched, warblin' scream. Tyree took advantage of its distraction to slash it twice. Mel missed with a Lesser Orb of Electricity and suddenly, a planar gateway started to open back in the bedroom! I missed the demon with an Orb of Force and Egwaine (at my urgin') dispelled the Gate.
The blob demon bit Rumple again and slammed Tyree with both its tentacles. Rumple hit it right back and Mel managed to hit it with a trio of Scorching Rays, but they were all deflected by the monster's spell resistance. Tyree landed a brutal strike and followed it up with yet another deadly slash. With all the movement goin' on, there was no way I'd hit it with an orb spell, so I focused by will and hammered it with another Magic Missile spell. This time I managed to pierce the demon's spell resistance, pepperin' it with force energy. Meanwhile, Egwaine moved in and tapped Rumple with the Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds.
The blob demon tore into Tyree, hittin' him with moth tendrils and nearly bitin' his arm off with its bite! Once again, Rumple drove his rapier into the demon all the way up to the hilt. Realizin' "Elven High Magic" was no match for the blob demon, Mel ran off to make sure Alabron and Storn were safe. Tyree hit the beast again and I, now confident I could hurt the demon, blasted it with an Empowered Magic Missile - again bustin' through its spell resistance. As Egwaine moved to heal Tyree with her wand, she identified the demon as an Alkilith (I still prefer blob demon).
The Alkilith transformed itself into a Clodukill spell (hurtin' but not killin' Egwaine, Rumple, and Tyree), but that didn't prevent Rumple's magic rapier from finishin' it off.
After recollectin' everyone (Mel had to use a Dimension Door to get reunited because of a run-in with the stadium guards), we discovered a long hallway lit by candles that eventually led to Raknian's estate. We turned back to avoid leaving the stadium and decided to deal with other two mysterious vats. Luckily, they only contained worm swarms which we dealt with in the usual fashion.
While back at the Coenobe, we met with Ekyam and gave him the bad news about his sister. Egwaine managed to talk him out of doin' anythin' rash and stickin' with us to bring justice to Raknian. Some stupid Damaran guard wanted to warn us that Raknian was out to get us (no shit) and then wanted our help gettin' him out of the stadium. We had him escort our manager out of the place and then gave him some advice for extricatin' himself.
Since the green light emanatin' from the scroll seemed dangerous, we decided to avoid it and went through the smaller door in the room. We followed a short hall to another door beyond which we could hear a woman cryin'. Inside the bedroom was a beautiful red-headed woman sobbin' uncontrollably. As she stood, completely nude save for a veil, she began to sway and gyrate. We realized two things. First, this was, in fact, Lahaka (Ekyam’s sister). Second, she was some kind of strange Undead creature.
We, sadly, dispatched her quickly and without any harm to us thanks to Egwaine's timely turnin'. Upon further examination, Egwaine estimated she'd been dead for a year or more - pretty much the exact time she went missin'.
We entered another room that had some kind of low, green fog coverin' the floor and the room was split by a curtain. When Alabron went to check out the room behind the curtain, a bizarre, blob-like Demon spillin' out of one of them wax-covered vats blasted him (and Storn) with a Cone of Cold. Behind the blob demon was a Symbol of Fear spilling green worms from its eyes and mouth into the room.
Poor Alabron was not only affected by the Symbol of Fear, but he was also nauseated by the Stinking Cloud the blob demon dropped in the room. Mel promptly dispelled the Stinking Cloud allowin' Tyree to run into the room and tear down the curtain. I moved in and blasted the beast with a Magic Missile spell, but was unable to penetrate its spell resistance. Egwaine cast Resurgence on Storn (also affected by the Symbol of Fear), but he was too terrified and continued his headlong flight back to the Coenobe.
Rumple moved into a good flankin' position and paid for it when the blob bit him and lashed him with one of its tendrils. Another tendril smacked Tyree in the face. As Tyree completed the flanking maneuver, Rumple drove his rapier deep into the demon's fleshy body and was rewarded by a high-pitched, warblin' scream. Tyree took advantage of its distraction to slash it twice. Mel missed with a Lesser Orb of Electricity and suddenly, a planar gateway started to open back in the bedroom! I missed the demon with an Orb of Force and Egwaine (at my urgin') dispelled the Gate.
The blob demon bit Rumple again and slammed Tyree with both its tentacles. Rumple hit it right back and Mel managed to hit it with a trio of Scorching Rays, but they were all deflected by the monster's spell resistance. Tyree landed a brutal strike and followed it up with yet another deadly slash. With all the movement goin' on, there was no way I'd hit it with an orb spell, so I focused by will and hammered it with another Magic Missile spell. This time I managed to pierce the demon's spell resistance, pepperin' it with force energy. Meanwhile, Egwaine moved in and tapped Rumple with the Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds.
The blob demon tore into Tyree, hittin' him with moth tendrils and nearly bitin' his arm off with its bite! Once again, Rumple drove his rapier into the demon all the way up to the hilt. Realizin' "Elven High Magic" was no match for the blob demon, Mel ran off to make sure Alabron and Storn were safe. Tyree hit the beast again and I, now confident I could hurt the demon, blasted it with an Empowered Magic Missile - again bustin' through its spell resistance. As Egwaine moved to heal Tyree with her wand, she identified the demon as an Alkilith (I still prefer blob demon).
The Alkilith transformed itself into a Clodukill spell (hurtin' but not killin' Egwaine, Rumple, and Tyree), but that didn't prevent Rumple's magic rapier from finishin' it off.
After recollectin' everyone (Mel had to use a Dimension Door to get reunited because of a run-in with the stadium guards), we discovered a long hallway lit by candles that eventually led to Raknian's estate. We turned back to avoid leaving the stadium and decided to deal with other two mysterious vats. Luckily, they only contained worm swarms which we dealt with in the usual fashion.
While back at the Coenobe, we met with Ekyam and gave him the bad news about his sister. Egwaine managed to talk him out of doin' anythin' rash and stickin' with us to bring justice to Raknian. Some stupid Damaran guard wanted to warn us that Raknian was out to get us (no shit) and then wanted our help gettin' him out of the stadium. We had him escort our manager out of the place and then gave him some advice for extricatin' himself.

For myself, all this spellcastin' has helped me make several breakthroughs. I mave managed to eek out a bit more power from my Magic Missile spells, but I fear I have reached the limits of what my pet spell can offer. Perhaps there are other ways to modify it...
I have also discovered a way to summon forth a larger quantity of force energy in a passive mode. In this form, I am able to shape the force energy into a wall. It won't last long, but it is basically an impenetrable, invisible wall while it is there. That should open up some interestin' tactical opportunities on the battlefield.
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