28th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
We headed to Diamond Lake today, tyrin’ to get there quick because Allustan’s note sounded pretty bad. After a brief stop at some tiny tradin’ post, we started passin’ Diamond Lake refugees – people fleein’ the town for greener pastures – on the road. Everythin’ they told us confirmed what Allustan had sent.
We all grew more anxious. I would imagine all of us had different pictures of calamity and disaster in our minds. The first two things that popped into my head – I suppose the two things I care most about – was the Three Hills Guildhall in flames with Jasper either dead or missin’ and the thought of Marcella killed (or worse yet) transformed into a worm-ridden Zombie!
Not pleasant images at all. So, I was in quite a hurry to get back.
Just about half way to Diamond Lake, we came upon a refugee wagon belongin’ to someone who waited to long to leave. They’d been attacked by Zombies, and the foul creatures were still there pickin’ over the remains! I think Tyree was over confident. We’d dealt with several of these worm Zombies, but usually in singles or maybe a pair. Tyree didn’t really stop to consider that this time there were six of ‘em we could see and he charged right into all of ‘em!
I tried to help by knockin’ one down with a Blast of Force, but that didn’t stop the others from maulin’ Tyree. Next thing we know, Tyree’s covered in little green worms all preparin’ to burrow into his flesh! Thanks to her connection to Kelemvor, Egwaine was able to send most of the Zombies fleein’ down the road so we could kill ‘em at our leisure, but that didn’t prevent one of the worms from getting’ inside Tyree. It took me, Tyree, and Egwaine (all diggin’ into poor Tyree) with silver knives to get the worm as it tunneled its way towards Tyree’s brain. Egwaine got it just as it reached his neck!
That was really close. The last thing we wanted was one of our own turnin’ into a worm Zombie.
We did manage to destroy and burn all the zombies and the bodies nearby to make sure they wouldn’t be a threat to anyone else.
We were nearly to Diamond Lake when we came upon an old man leading a stubborn donkey up the road. He didn’t have all his worldly possessions strapped to the beast, which made him stand out from the other refugees. As it turns out, he was going to trade his meager livestock for the lives of his wife and child, both of whom had been kidnapped by none other than Nerjul the Black! The old man said that Nerjul himself (along with his bandits) was waitin’ to make the trade at the Maglar ruins nearby.
Most of us had just about had it with Nerjul’s continued attempts on our lives. And now, when Diamond Lake was in the grip of an Undead plague, he chose to prey upon the weak, poor, and helpless. We’d had it with this so called “bandit king” and told the old man we’d get his family back if we could.
What happened next is perhaps the proudest moment of the Three Hills Adventurin’ Company. It’s certainly my proudest moment. We really came together as a team. We used my Invisibility magic and Egwaine’s Fly spell to allow her to scout out Nerjul’s base on the hill top. Then we came up with a plan (quickly, I might add) and put it into motion.
I think what pleases me most about the plan, which I was primarily responsible for, is that it was able to adopt so well to changes during the fight – for example, when a pair of Smenk’s albino Dire Apes turned out to be on loan to Nerjul!
I used up a large portion of my energy to make all of us Invisible, but this allowed us to sneak right into the midst of Nerjul’s camp. Within seconds, Nerjul and his cadre of mages were all dead. I wish I could have made a paintin’ of Nerjul’s face when Alabron appeared next to him swingin’ that falchion!
Just after we had annihilated the command element, and a huge number of angry bandits were turnin’ their attention to us, Egwaine touched the amulet she had recovered from the Lizardfolk to one of the Maglar standin’ stones. She must have thought she’d be able to use it to call down lightnin’ like the Lizarfolk shaman did. Instead, the entire hilltop exploded in an expandin’ ring of fire!
The fire wiped out huge numbers of Nerjul’s bandits. Those not killed outright were soon finished off by us or fled for the lives into the hills. We were only able to survive the blast ourselves by taking shelter behind Nerjul’s men! Unfortunately, the blast also killed the old woman Nerjul had kidnapped, but the farmer’s daughter survived long enough for Egwaine to heal her.
Now that I write it down, I don’t feel as proud. I mean, that old woman lost her life. I don’t think anyone could have done better, though. We succeeded against overwhelmin’ odds (at least 11 to 1) and saved the little girl. In addition, we dealt with a threat (Nerjul) that had been troublin’ the region for a long time. Nerjul would never again kidnap and murder anyone. His bandits would not rob or kill any longer.
And we even have more evidence that Smenk is a bad, bad man. We are brinin’ back the body of his Dire Ape to show the garrison. Although the garrison’s not allowed to intervene in town matters (like what was goin’ on in the mine), they sure as hell will want to get involved now. Nerjul was a garrison matter and once we demonstrate that Smenk was assistin’ the most wanted outlaw in the region, I’m sure they’ll have a few questions for ol’ Balabar.
I hope I get to be there when the drag his sorry ass to the stockade.
We’re back in the guildhall now. I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed and get some good rest. A friend of Jasper’s is stayin’ here, too. Sounds like a merchant of some kind. Maybe he’ll have some things we can use for sale. That’s gonna have to wait til mornin’, though. I’m goin’ to sleep now.
Session 20 - Cleaning up After Corporal Green
27th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR 
Exhausted, we headed down to the basement of Blackwall Keep. Corporal Green had been makin’ us more anxious with each passin’ minute, tellin’ us how this creature had been down there for more than two years! Tyree didn’t make matters any better, hollerin’ at the basement door as if the Zombie would understand anything he had to say. And people call me a comedian.
We cast some spells, but really, we had very few left. Before we could start to tear down the boards securin’ the basement door, however, two clawed hands covered in dull withered scales punched straight through the wooden boards. As if that weren’t bad enough, the fists opened up and dropped swarms of those green worms all over the floor in front of us!
I pulled out a flask of alchemist’s fire and doused one pile of worms. Tyree tried to smash the worms with his sword, but his weapon had no visible effect on the swarm as a whole (although there was one worm that would cause us no trouble again). Valcrist fired his crossbow through the whole in the door and was rewarded with a low moan from his hit. The burnin’ worms started crawlin’ toward Valcrist while the other group started crawlin’ up Alabron’s legs! Egwaine immediately ran up and used her silver holy symbol (as the worms are vulnerable to silver for some reason even though they aren’t Undead themselves) to burn off one of the worms crawlin’ on Alabron. Alabron managed to pluck off the other worm, but barely avoided the things spiral teeth!
I hit the initial pile of worms with more alchemist’s fire and they finally died and disbursed. Valcrist managed to fire another absurdly precise shot through the hole in the door and hit the Zombie on the other side. That’s when the worms got on Egwaine and started crawlin’ up her legs! Storn, who was momentarily stunned by the appearance of all the worms, bolted towards the exit as fast as his stumpy legs would carry him. Egwaine retreated out of the worm swarm, but wasn’t able to kill any of the three worms that were on her. That’s when Alabron did somethin’ crazy! He doused Egwaine in alchemist’s fire! At first, I thought the Half-Orc had lost his mind, but then I saw that he had killed all the worms – of course, Egwaine was on fire. Suddenly, the door exploded into the room and a trio of worm infested, Lizardfolk Zombies started to come in the room. Tyree charged into the lead Zombie and hit it hard with his Bastard Sword, bottling the rest in the short hallway. One of the Zombies did get by him (despite a vicious slash deliver by his sword) and slammed into Valcrist, depositin’ a tiny green worm on his neck!
I was still tossin’ alchemist’s fire at worm swarms as Tyree finished off the Zombie he was fightin’ and then slashed into a second one. Valcrist ginergy flicked away the worm on his neck and moved away from the flamin’, clawlin’ worm swarm. Egwaine started rollin’ on the ground to extinguish the flames that were just startin’ consume her clothes and Alabron charged past her to kill a Zombie and cleave into another one with his follow through. The remainin’ Zombie hammered Tyree to one knee with a solid blow and dropped a worm on his arm.
More worm swarms started showing up, but we used a combination of torches (wielded by my Unseen Servant) and lines of silver coins to control the worms and kill them. It took some time, but using this method, no one was even in any danger of being turned into an Undead abomination.
After takin’ up a collection from the soldiers in the keep, we set off down the stairs armed with more torches and a bag full of silver coins. More worms were dealt with and then we entered the basement proper. It once served as a barracks, but now it was inhabited by a trio of worm Zombies Alabron and Tyree killed two Zombies (includin’ the man who was the origin of the infestation) while Valcrist, Storn, and I killed the third one.
A sweep of the area revealed no further threats. We did find, however, a crude tunnel that led to the outside. We informed the soldiers of all this as well as made sure to tell them about the tiny Lizardfolk Zombies in the mangaroo swamp. I went so far as to advice addin’ a silver inlay in the floor of each doorway to help protect against further worm problems.
Then we went to sleep. We had to rest up for our trip back to Diamond Lake. Hopefully the town will still be there when we return.
28th Marpenoth, 1371

Exhausted, we headed down to the basement of Blackwall Keep. Corporal Green had been makin’ us more anxious with each passin’ minute, tellin’ us how this creature had been down there for more than two years! Tyree didn’t make matters any better, hollerin’ at the basement door as if the Zombie would understand anything he had to say. And people call me a comedian.
We cast some spells, but really, we had very few left. Before we could start to tear down the boards securin’ the basement door, however, two clawed hands covered in dull withered scales punched straight through the wooden boards. As if that weren’t bad enough, the fists opened up and dropped swarms of those green worms all over the floor in front of us!
I pulled out a flask of alchemist’s fire and doused one pile of worms. Tyree tried to smash the worms with his sword, but his weapon had no visible effect on the swarm as a whole (although there was one worm that would cause us no trouble again). Valcrist fired his crossbow through the whole in the door and was rewarded with a low moan from his hit. The burnin’ worms started crawlin’ toward Valcrist while the other group started crawlin’ up Alabron’s legs! Egwaine immediately ran up and used her silver holy symbol (as the worms are vulnerable to silver for some reason even though they aren’t Undead themselves) to burn off one of the worms crawlin’ on Alabron. Alabron managed to pluck off the other worm, but barely avoided the things spiral teeth!
I hit the initial pile of worms with more alchemist’s fire and they finally died and disbursed. Valcrist managed to fire another absurdly precise shot through the hole in the door and hit the Zombie on the other side. That’s when the worms got on Egwaine and started crawlin’ up her legs! Storn, who was momentarily stunned by the appearance of all the worms, bolted towards the exit as fast as his stumpy legs would carry him. Egwaine retreated out of the worm swarm, but wasn’t able to kill any of the three worms that were on her. That’s when Alabron did somethin’ crazy! He doused Egwaine in alchemist’s fire! At first, I thought the Half-Orc had lost his mind, but then I saw that he had killed all the worms – of course, Egwaine was on fire. Suddenly, the door exploded into the room and a trio of worm infested, Lizardfolk Zombies started to come in the room. Tyree charged into the lead Zombie and hit it hard with his Bastard Sword, bottling the rest in the short hallway. One of the Zombies did get by him (despite a vicious slash deliver by his sword) and slammed into Valcrist, depositin’ a tiny green worm on his neck!
I was still tossin’ alchemist’s fire at worm swarms as Tyree finished off the Zombie he was fightin’ and then slashed into a second one. Valcrist ginergy flicked away the worm on his neck and moved away from the flamin’, clawlin’ worm swarm. Egwaine started rollin’ on the ground to extinguish the flames that were just startin’ consume her clothes and Alabron charged past her to kill a Zombie and cleave into another one with his follow through. The remainin’ Zombie hammered Tyree to one knee with a solid blow and dropped a worm on his arm.
More worm swarms started showing up, but we used a combination of torches (wielded by my Unseen Servant) and lines of silver coins to control the worms and kill them. It took some time, but using this method, no one was even in any danger of being turned into an Undead abomination.
After takin’ up a collection from the soldiers in the keep, we set off down the stairs armed with more torches and a bag full of silver coins. More worms were dealt with and then we entered the basement proper. It once served as a barracks, but now it was inhabited by a trio of worm Zombies Alabron and Tyree killed two Zombies (includin’ the man who was the origin of the infestation) while Valcrist, Storn, and I killed the third one.
A sweep of the area revealed no further threats. We did find, however, a crude tunnel that led to the outside. We informed the soldiers of all this as well as made sure to tell them about the tiny Lizardfolk Zombies in the mangaroo swamp. I went so far as to advice addin’ a silver inlay in the floor of each doorway to help protect against further worm problems.
Then we went to sleep. We had to rest up for our trip back to Diamond Lake. Hopefully the town will still be there when we return.
28th Marpenoth, 1371
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