5th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
We returned to the “house” to find Jasper had a meal all prepared for us, but quite upset about our lack of a military-style password system. Seriously, if I had intended to join the military, I would have joined the garrison. Why the need to treat this like a military unit? I suppose it’s his background (which I finally got a change to review thanks to Sparrow), but it’s a little constrainin’ to the rest of us.
After eating, we took the wagon and went back to the Whisperin’ Cairn, collected the bandit bodies, and came back without incident. Finally got to sleep before dawn. We’re still all sleepin’ in the barracks until I get a chance to talk to Jasper about the disposition of the possessions of the former guild leaders.
6th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
We dropped off the bandit bodies (and collected our bounty) at the garrison. Turns out, we only needed the heads. Hine volunteered to handle the decapitations in the future. That boy ain’t right. I heard a rumor while at the garrison. Someone said that Smenk’s right-hand man has turned up missin’ and that Smenk seems on edge. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Sergeant Voss invited us all to the Spinning Giant for a celebration for us killing the bandits. It was a great time! When away from their snooty, Damaran officers, these soldiers are a lot of fun. Real salt-of-the-earth types. During the festivities, that sleezy deputy and a bunch of his cronies were hanging around outside the Spinning Giant. I had thought they were waiting for us to come out drunk and tired to rough us up, fine us, arrest us, or all of the above. Luckily, by the time the party was over, the deputy and his men had left.
7th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
I brought all the rubbings from the Cairn to Allustan. I had forgotten how awkward conversations with Allustan can be. Anyway, he was very appreciative and was able to tell us quite a bit. He also identified that eight-pointed star badge we found on the bodies in the Cairn. He said that the symbol belonged to an adventurin’ company based out of Waterdeep called the Seekers.
Allustan decided to test my magical prowess by summoning a giant spider and having it attack me! I was able to kill the beast with several volleys of Magic Missiles, but it was pretty scary! I’m pleased that I can now fire off a pair of Missiles without even pushing myself anymore. I’ve also figured out how to shape the Magic Missile energy into armor like Carenthal does.
Not bad for a guy that was declared, “Not magically gifted.”
More importantly (to me, at least), Allustan told be about a mage in town named Theyin. Apparently, this Theyin has the same penchant for Magic Missiles that I do. So, I tracked him down at Lazare’s House, lost badly to him at dragon chess, and struck up a conversation. He told me, that if I want to follow his path, I need to make contact with the Censer of Symmetry. Of course, in order to get the Monks to allow me near the thing, I have to find them a source of kalamanthus root, which I apparently also have to use during my “meditations.”
I got Sparrow to help me track down a potential seller of kalamanthus root, but I think what the monks want is a supply they can harvest for free. So, I also talked to Eldron about places we could find the root. With any luck, after we’ve finished exploring the Whisperin’ Cairn, I can take some time to track down a “crop” of this root.
8th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
My new hat finally arrived!
Came across some guy being hung. Kullen strung him up for not paying his debt. Sparrow cut him down and Hine gave him some money to pay his debt.
I can’t help but think that’s gonna come back to haunt us.
There were some of those strange monks (dedicated to Kelemvor) watchin’ the man die. When I tired to talk to ‘em, one of ‘em mumbled something about “this town is corrupt” and “don’t let the prophecy come true again.” I couldn’t get him to explain himself.
9th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
Storn finally finished all his smithin’ yesterday. He managed to turn that pedestal of exotic metal (he’s named it Stornium) into a great falchion for himself, a pair of Dwarven waraxes for Eldron, some arrows for Hine, 300’ of chain, and three harpoon-like ballista bolts. Apparently, the metal is inherently magical, so we got that goin’ for us now.
So, we went back to the Whisperin’ Cairn and climbed the chain to the ledge above the blue lantern. Sparrow nearly killed herself when she fell off the chain, but we eventually got up there. The edge was actually a tunnel that led down to a carved face on the far wall. As soon as Sparrow got close to it, eyes and a mouth opened up, the hallway filled with glaring light, and a strong wind started blowing down the hall! Dolgun and Storn managed to get through the mouth into the next room (where there was no wind), but they found that the floor on the other side was just a 3’-wide beam! Storn fell off the beam into a bunch of iron spheres!
This can’t be good.
Session 04 - Continued Exploration
From the Desk of Kamist Tirgan
Session 4
Continued Exploration of the Whispering Cairn
5th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
After a brief discussion, we took a vote and decided to take the lift under the yellow lantern and explore whatever lay below. Since only two of us could fit inside at once, it took quite a bit of time for us all to get down there only to discover a massive stone block sittin’ on top of a pressure plate. Apparently, all the ups and downs pissed off an Air Elemental livin’ in the shaft of the lift because the thing swooped out of the lift and attacked us. By some fluke, Sparrow actually was able to converse with the thing!
Turns out that the Air Elemental “drives” the lift and it was worried that us playin’ with the mechanism (thanks Storn) would break the thing. The Elemental also told Sparrow that we were lucky “he” wasn’t a guardian else he’d have killed us all.
That’s a load off my mind.
It occurred to me that with all these interestin’ (and historical?) call carvins, that maybe Allustan would like to see ‘em. So, I started taking rubbins of the carvins. Glad I brought that paper with me. Speakin’ of historical, I got to remember to get that information Sparrow picked up about Jasper. I wanna read it for myself. Try to get some more insight into the man.
While we were tryin’ to climb over the stone block to the hall beyond, we got attacked by…I dunno…it looked like a couple of big eyes connected by some kind of skin or tendon. It could fly and fired beams outta its eyes, that’s all I know. I never did get over the block before Storn and Valcrist killed it, so I never saw all that, but that’s what everyone else said it did. Regardless, the thing was disgustin’.
So, we pretty much all assumed that the stone block fell from the ceilin’ as a result of the pressure plate being triggered and decided to push the block over to see what got squashed underneath it. Turned out, that was the trap! As the block tipped over, the pressure plate clicked into place and the whole hallway filled with poisonous gas! All of us (except for Trogdor) manage to gulp down a breath of fresh air before the gas got to us. Then, for no apparent reason, the Air Elemental came back down and blew all the gas away before flying back up the lift shaft.
At the end of the hall was a room with an “H”-shaped column. On the right was a mass of brown gunk similar to where the beetles were livin’ on the green side. Only this gunk had no beetles and it appeared to be slowly flowin’ across to another room. Dolgun went to freeze the gunk in place with his newly acquired ice breath and was in turn chilled to the bone somehow! His icy breath, however, did affect the gunk, causing it to contract and shrink to half its size. Another couple of icy breaths and the mass of Brown Mold (that’s what Carenthal called it) was completely gone.
Then, inexplicably, Sparrow goes back down the hall to have some howlin’ conversation with the Air Elemental. On the way to the lift, she just walked right over the pressure plate again, fillin’ the hall with more poisonous gas! I swear, if it weren’t for Carenthal tendin’ to her she’d have been dead.
I am having second thoughts about putting’ her in charge of Intelligence since she seems to be lackin’ that particular virtue.
On the left side of the column, Valcrist reset a trap that allowed us to retrieve several magic items includin’ a Wand of Unseen Servant that the group gave to me to use. Yet another use for the same force my Magic Missiles are made out of! Carenthal can make armor out of it and this want can make insubstantial servants! I wonder what else I can mold this force into…
Inside the right-side room, we found some interesting bas relief (more rubbings) and another one of those “air beds.” Sparrow discovered somethin’ interestin’ about this bed, however. Right when you come up to it, you get overwhelmed by a tired, fatigued feelin’. After just five minutes sleepin’ on the bed though, you wake up feelin’ completely rested – like you had a full night’s sleep!
While we were searchin’ the room and Sparrow was searchin’, Hine decided to wander off on his own. Storn saw him walk away and followed him into the room on the left of the hall. They found a room with a pedestal of unknown (but magical metal) with a large, black, stone egg sittin’ on top of it. From what Storn told me later, Hine just walked right up and started tappin’ the egg. The egg came to life, turnin’ into some sorta Earth Elemental! Then, accordin’ to Storn, Hine screamed like a little girl and ran outta the room leavin’ Storn to take a beatin’.
After Storn escaped and got healed by Trogdor’s Wand of Healing, we regrouped to figure out what to do about the egg (and the pedestal which Storn had taken an almost fanatical attraction to). Dolgun managed to have a short conversation with the egg. Somethin’ about “settin’ it free,” but then Dolgun must have mispronounced a word or somethin’, because the egg came to life again and attacked!
I was ready for this, though, and immediately blasted it with a pair of Magic Missiles. Although Eldron hit the thing really hard with his big axe, it was a crossbow bolt from Valcrist that destroyed it. Not before it could wallop Storn once, however.
More charges off the wand of healin’.
Behind the center door we found another privy, just like on the green side. Sparrow apparently had been holdin’ breakfast I for too long and decided it had to come out…now! Down go her britches, closed goes the door. I don’t know if she realized she did that in the wrong order or not. Two minutes later, the door flies open. Sparrow, britches down around her ankles, nether regions in full view of all, staggers out of the privy screamin’. Just before she could slam the door closed, we saw another swarm of beetles boilin’ up out of privy itself!
I laughed so hard, I nearly passed out.
So we got back into the lantern room to find a group of Nergel’s bandits comin’ in from outside! Led by a dangerous-lookin’ guy named Mozar, they started with a cursory attempt at diplomacy. It was immediately apparent that they were only interested in extortion or robbin’ us.
A fight ensued.
This was the toughest fight our group has faced to date, and we pulled together in an excellent fashion! Mozar looked to be the biggest threat (even though there were nine other guys with him) because he had drawn a scimitar and short sword and looked like he knew how to use ‘em. Hine shot him with an arrow and I ripped into him with a pair of Magic Missiles forcin’ him to use one of his healing potions to keep on his feet. That didn’t save him long. Another arrow from Hine, one from Sparrow and another volley of Magic Missiles from me killed him. Of course that didn’t stop his men from tryin’ to kill us.
The rest of his men (four warriors, 3 archers, and a couple of rogue types) did their best to get revenge. Storn charged into the archers (after dispatchin’ one of the warriors), limitin’ their ranged attacks. Dolgun and his breath weapons kept four of ‘em pinned down and burnin’. In the end, I think all of us chalked up a kill and only one of the bandits were left alive.
We tied the guy up and headed back Diamond Lake. We were beat up pretty badly and I felt like I was about to collapse. There was no way I could create even one more Magic Missile. Of course, I don’t think we’re gonna get time to rest just yet. We need to come back to the cairn with a wagon and pick up all these bodies if we expect to collect the bounties on them.
Session 4
Continued Exploration of the Whispering Cairn
5th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
After a brief discussion, we took a vote and decided to take the lift under the yellow lantern and explore whatever lay below. Since only two of us could fit inside at once, it took quite a bit of time for us all to get down there only to discover a massive stone block sittin’ on top of a pressure plate. Apparently, all the ups and downs pissed off an Air Elemental livin’ in the shaft of the lift because the thing swooped out of the lift and attacked us. By some fluke, Sparrow actually was able to converse with the thing!
Turns out that the Air Elemental “drives” the lift and it was worried that us playin’ with the mechanism (thanks Storn) would break the thing. The Elemental also told Sparrow that we were lucky “he” wasn’t a guardian else he’d have killed us all.
That’s a load off my mind.
It occurred to me that with all these interestin’ (and historical?) call carvins, that maybe Allustan would like to see ‘em. So, I started taking rubbins of the carvins. Glad I brought that paper with me. Speakin’ of historical, I got to remember to get that information Sparrow picked up about Jasper. I wanna read it for myself. Try to get some more insight into the man.
While we were tryin’ to climb over the stone block to the hall beyond, we got attacked by…I dunno…it looked like a couple of big eyes connected by some kind of skin or tendon. It could fly and fired beams outta its eyes, that’s all I know. I never did get over the block before Storn and Valcrist killed it, so I never saw all that, but that’s what everyone else said it did. Regardless, the thing was disgustin’.
So, we pretty much all assumed that the stone block fell from the ceilin’ as a result of the pressure plate being triggered and decided to push the block over to see what got squashed underneath it. Turned out, that was the trap! As the block tipped over, the pressure plate clicked into place and the whole hallway filled with poisonous gas! All of us (except for Trogdor) manage to gulp down a breath of fresh air before the gas got to us. Then, for no apparent reason, the Air Elemental came back down and blew all the gas away before flying back up the lift shaft.
At the end of the hall was a room with an “H”-shaped column. On the right was a mass of brown gunk similar to where the beetles were livin’ on the green side. Only this gunk had no beetles and it appeared to be slowly flowin’ across to another room. Dolgun went to freeze the gunk in place with his newly acquired ice breath and was in turn chilled to the bone somehow! His icy breath, however, did affect the gunk, causing it to contract and shrink to half its size. Another couple of icy breaths and the mass of Brown Mold (that’s what Carenthal called it) was completely gone.
Then, inexplicably, Sparrow goes back down the hall to have some howlin’ conversation with the Air Elemental. On the way to the lift, she just walked right over the pressure plate again, fillin’ the hall with more poisonous gas! I swear, if it weren’t for Carenthal tendin’ to her she’d have been dead.
I am having second thoughts about putting’ her in charge of Intelligence since she seems to be lackin’ that particular virtue.
On the left side of the column, Valcrist reset a trap that allowed us to retrieve several magic items includin’ a Wand of Unseen Servant that the group gave to me to use. Yet another use for the same force my Magic Missiles are made out of! Carenthal can make armor out of it and this want can make insubstantial servants! I wonder what else I can mold this force into…
Inside the right-side room, we found some interesting bas relief (more rubbings) and another one of those “air beds.” Sparrow discovered somethin’ interestin’ about this bed, however. Right when you come up to it, you get overwhelmed by a tired, fatigued feelin’. After just five minutes sleepin’ on the bed though, you wake up feelin’ completely rested – like you had a full night’s sleep!
While we were searchin’ the room and Sparrow was searchin’, Hine decided to wander off on his own. Storn saw him walk away and followed him into the room on the left of the hall. They found a room with a pedestal of unknown (but magical metal) with a large, black, stone egg sittin’ on top of it. From what Storn told me later, Hine just walked right up and started tappin’ the egg. The egg came to life, turnin’ into some sorta Earth Elemental! Then, accordin’ to Storn, Hine screamed like a little girl and ran outta the room leavin’ Storn to take a beatin’.
After Storn escaped and got healed by Trogdor’s Wand of Healing, we regrouped to figure out what to do about the egg (and the pedestal which Storn had taken an almost fanatical attraction to). Dolgun managed to have a short conversation with the egg. Somethin’ about “settin’ it free,” but then Dolgun must have mispronounced a word or somethin’, because the egg came to life again and attacked!
I was ready for this, though, and immediately blasted it with a pair of Magic Missiles. Although Eldron hit the thing really hard with his big axe, it was a crossbow bolt from Valcrist that destroyed it. Not before it could wallop Storn once, however.
More charges off the wand of healin’.
Behind the center door we found another privy, just like on the green side. Sparrow apparently had been holdin’ breakfast I for too long and decided it had to come out…now! Down go her britches, closed goes the door. I don’t know if she realized she did that in the wrong order or not. Two minutes later, the door flies open. Sparrow, britches down around her ankles, nether regions in full view of all, staggers out of the privy screamin’. Just before she could slam the door closed, we saw another swarm of beetles boilin’ up out of privy itself!
I laughed so hard, I nearly passed out.
So we got back into the lantern room to find a group of Nergel’s bandits comin’ in from outside! Led by a dangerous-lookin’ guy named Mozar, they started with a cursory attempt at diplomacy. It was immediately apparent that they were only interested in extortion or robbin’ us.
A fight ensued.
This was the toughest fight our group has faced to date, and we pulled together in an excellent fashion! Mozar looked to be the biggest threat (even though there were nine other guys with him) because he had drawn a scimitar and short sword and looked like he knew how to use ‘em. Hine shot him with an arrow and I ripped into him with a pair of Magic Missiles forcin’ him to use one of his healing potions to keep on his feet. That didn’t save him long. Another arrow from Hine, one from Sparrow and another volley of Magic Missiles from me killed him. Of course that didn’t stop his men from tryin’ to kill us.
The rest of his men (four warriors, 3 archers, and a couple of rogue types) did their best to get revenge. Storn charged into the archers (after dispatchin’ one of the warriors), limitin’ their ranged attacks. Dolgun and his breath weapons kept four of ‘em pinned down and burnin’. In the end, I think all of us chalked up a kill and only one of the bandits were left alive.
We tied the guy up and headed back Diamond Lake. We were beat up pretty badly and I felt like I was about to collapse. There was no way I could create even one more Magic Missile. Of course, I don’t think we’re gonna get time to rest just yet. We need to come back to the cairn with a wagon and pick up all these bodies if we expect to collect the bounties on them.
Session 03 - Changing of the Guard
3rd of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
To be honest, I can’t stand to recount the full events of what happened on our trip with Jasper. I will recount, for the sake of posterity and my own memories, however that this is when we discovered the fate of all the senior members of the Three Hills Adventurin’ Company. All of ‘em were killed (horribly) by a Black Dragon.
The walk back to Diamond Lake was terribly quiet. Jasper has taken the death of Morgan particularly hard. When we got back, Jasper went straight to his room. The rest of us joined our companions in sleep, not wanting to wake them to share such dire news. It would wait til morning.
4th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
The events of this day have left me feeling conflicted. Even though it felt too soon, I convinced everyone else to decide what was to become of the adventurin’ company. Luckily, everyone else seemed to want to get this business done and behind us. Our first order of business was to figure out what to do about Noraa.
Despite the fact that she had repeatedly done things to erode our trust in her (and then lied about these things), I gave her one last chance to redeem herself. She responded with hostility and more lies. So, we voted to eject her from the guild. In a bizarre turn, she left all her possessions behind when she stormed out of the guild house. No more than a minute later, we heard a scream from outside. Noraa’s father and her brothers had shown up and they killed her right outside our place!
Guilt plagues me. I don’t feel guilty for getting her kicked out of the guild. She brought that on herself. What I feel guilty about is the fact that, just before she left, she threatened me. At hearing that threat, my first thought was to find her father and tell him that Noraa and Morgan had been lovers, figurin’ that would be the final straw and that her father might finally rein her in – possibly even kill her. No sooner had that thought cross through my head than there was her father murdering her in broad daylight!
For most people, guilt over that kind of coincidence would just be misplaced grief. However, when my sorcerous powers first manifested, it was under similar circumstances of pressure and stress. Did I somehow cause Noraa’s father to appear and kill her? Have I that kind of power? To control other people’s minds? I’ll have to test this in more controlled (and safer) conditions.
Speaking of new powers, I have been working on a way to channel my Magic Missile spell into somethin’ more powerful. So far, I’ve only been able to pull that off a couple of times. However, I have discovered an entirely new power. I can now create a series of minor effects like the effects actors were capable of back in Waterdeep. While of limited use on an adventures, it is going to come in very handy while pulling pranks on people. Now if I can just figure out how to shape the Magic Missiles into armor like Carenthal does…
We reported the murder to the sheriff and brought him the body. Took care of some other administrative things in town as well. Hine brought us a new prospective member – an Elven woman named Sparrow. Then we went back and started restructurin’ the guild organization.
I have been elected as the new leader of the Three Hills Adventurin’ Company. While I chaff a bit at taking over so soon after Morgan’s death, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want the job. We voted to accept Sparrow into the guild and even made her our intelligence officer. Hine became our operations officer (assisted by Storn & Trogor), Dolgun is in change of logistics, and Eldron is in charge of security. We also invented a new role for Carenthal. We’re callin’ it J-1 (as in Jack-of-all-Trades) because Carenthal is so knowledgeable about such a wide variety of subjects.
Found out some interestin’ things about Jasper. I managed to catch his full name when I saw it on his journal (no I didn’t read his journal). Sparrow took that and got some good (if expensive) information. In short, Morgan saved Jasper’s life and honor, so Jasper swore his life to Morgan. Hearing that, I knocked on Jasper’s door and formally asked him to say on and help us. When I told him I was the new guild leader, he cut his own hand and mine (ouch!) and swore fealty to me.
I have to admit to being intimidated by that kind of loyalty.
Sparrow also discovered that the adventurers out of Waterdeep planned on going to the Whisperin’ Cairn on the morrow. Sparrow talked Igor into leadin’ the group to a different cairn, gaining us another day to explore the tomb.
5th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
We finally made it back to the Whisperin’ Cairn. Discovered a passel of large wolf tracks that were big enough to not get obliterated by the rain, but there was no other sign of the animal. Once inside the cairn again, we thought we saw a large shape pass by the entrance, but when we went back we found nothing. Nervous as a young man on his first trip down the veiled hall, we went back into the lantern chamber.
One perilous rope climb later we were on a lower level through the hole under the green lantern. To the left was a room full of some sort of orange-brown mass crawlin’ with beetles. To the right were eight stone platforms (one with a dead body on it) and a threatenin’ statue holding a cylindrical greatclub.
We managed to recover the body (head smashed in wearing red-dyed leather armor with a yellow, eight-pointed start badge), but before we could examine it completely, a gigantic beetle the size of a draft horse scuttled up the stairs to the north! Although the thing did manage to spew some weak acid all over Eldron and Storn, we killed it quickly after that. I even managed to fire a bolt through its shell.
No sooner had we killed it than a second beetle crashed out of the orange mass and charged our flank. This one spewed acid all over Dolgun and before we could kill it, it was joined by a swarm of smaller beetles. Between Dolgun’s breath weapons (now he can breath ice out of his mouth as well as fire) and one of my alchemist fires, we managed to kill the giant beetle and its smaller cousins. Not wantin’ more surprises, Dolgun breathed fire all over the remaining beetles and the mass of orange organic…whatever. Although it created a cloud of acrid smoke, it also revealed three bodies which we recovered and looted.
Looks like three more guys in red, leather armor (complete with yellow, eight-pointed stars) died here. We recovered several potions and a magic pearl that will apparently allow Trogdor to cast more healing spells. That sounds like a good find to me!
The stairs led down into a largish roomful of five feet or so of water. As we began to explore it, a creature that appeared to be made of water attacked us. Carenthal identified it as a Water Elemental. After a quick exchange of weapons, Dolgun was getting pretty beat up, so I dug deep and killed it with a pair of Magic Missiles.
In a small side room, Dolgun discovered a Ghoul. Although the Undead creature tried to eat him, Dolgun’s shield and armor kept the thing at bay long enough for Trogdor to arrive. Now, up until this time, I’d not seen Trogdor do anythin’ other than heal people – and believe me, I’m not minimizing the importance of his healin’ spells. When he got within in sight of the Ghoul, however, he raised his holy symbol and called forth some kind of divine power, reducing the creature to a whirlin’ cloud of dust!
We collected some treasure (including the red lantern and a magic short sword now carried by Sparrow even though she seems to prefer spears) and climbed back up to the lantern room. After seein’ what would happen at each lantern station, we discovered that there was only the one more elevator down and a ledge above the blue lantern leadin’ to parts unknown.
To be honest, I can’t stand to recount the full events of what happened on our trip with Jasper. I will recount, for the sake of posterity and my own memories, however that this is when we discovered the fate of all the senior members of the Three Hills Adventurin’ Company. All of ‘em were killed (horribly) by a Black Dragon.
The walk back to Diamond Lake was terribly quiet. Jasper has taken the death of Morgan particularly hard. When we got back, Jasper went straight to his room. The rest of us joined our companions in sleep, not wanting to wake them to share such dire news. It would wait til morning.
4th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
The events of this day have left me feeling conflicted. Even though it felt too soon, I convinced everyone else to decide what was to become of the adventurin’ company. Luckily, everyone else seemed to want to get this business done and behind us. Our first order of business was to figure out what to do about Noraa.
Despite the fact that she had repeatedly done things to erode our trust in her (and then lied about these things), I gave her one last chance to redeem herself. She responded with hostility and more lies. So, we voted to eject her from the guild. In a bizarre turn, she left all her possessions behind when she stormed out of the guild house. No more than a minute later, we heard a scream from outside. Noraa’s father and her brothers had shown up and they killed her right outside our place!
Guilt plagues me. I don’t feel guilty for getting her kicked out of the guild. She brought that on herself. What I feel guilty about is the fact that, just before she left, she threatened me. At hearing that threat, my first thought was to find her father and tell him that Noraa and Morgan had been lovers, figurin’ that would be the final straw and that her father might finally rein her in – possibly even kill her. No sooner had that thought cross through my head than there was her father murdering her in broad daylight!
For most people, guilt over that kind of coincidence would just be misplaced grief. However, when my sorcerous powers first manifested, it was under similar circumstances of pressure and stress. Did I somehow cause Noraa’s father to appear and kill her? Have I that kind of power? To control other people’s minds? I’ll have to test this in more controlled (and safer) conditions.
Speaking of new powers, I have been working on a way to channel my Magic Missile spell into somethin’ more powerful. So far, I’ve only been able to pull that off a couple of times. However, I have discovered an entirely new power. I can now create a series of minor effects like the effects actors were capable of back in Waterdeep. While of limited use on an adventures, it is going to come in very handy while pulling pranks on people. Now if I can just figure out how to shape the Magic Missiles into armor like Carenthal does…
We reported the murder to the sheriff and brought him the body. Took care of some other administrative things in town as well. Hine brought us a new prospective member – an Elven woman named Sparrow. Then we went back and started restructurin’ the guild organization.
I have been elected as the new leader of the Three Hills Adventurin’ Company. While I chaff a bit at taking over so soon after Morgan’s death, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want the job. We voted to accept Sparrow into the guild and even made her our intelligence officer. Hine became our operations officer (assisted by Storn & Trogor), Dolgun is in change of logistics, and Eldron is in charge of security. We also invented a new role for Carenthal. We’re callin’ it J-1 (as in Jack-of-all-Trades) because Carenthal is so knowledgeable about such a wide variety of subjects.
Found out some interestin’ things about Jasper. I managed to catch his full name when I saw it on his journal (no I didn’t read his journal). Sparrow took that and got some good (if expensive) information. In short, Morgan saved Jasper’s life and honor, so Jasper swore his life to Morgan. Hearing that, I knocked on Jasper’s door and formally asked him to say on and help us. When I told him I was the new guild leader, he cut his own hand and mine (ouch!) and swore fealty to me.
I have to admit to being intimidated by that kind of loyalty.
Sparrow also discovered that the adventurers out of Waterdeep planned on going to the Whisperin’ Cairn on the morrow. Sparrow talked Igor into leadin’ the group to a different cairn, gaining us another day to explore the tomb.
5th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
We finally made it back to the Whisperin’ Cairn. Discovered a passel of large wolf tracks that were big enough to not get obliterated by the rain, but there was no other sign of the animal. Once inside the cairn again, we thought we saw a large shape pass by the entrance, but when we went back we found nothing. Nervous as a young man on his first trip down the veiled hall, we went back into the lantern chamber.
One perilous rope climb later we were on a lower level through the hole under the green lantern. To the left was a room full of some sort of orange-brown mass crawlin’ with beetles. To the right were eight stone platforms (one with a dead body on it) and a threatenin’ statue holding a cylindrical greatclub.
We managed to recover the body (head smashed in wearing red-dyed leather armor with a yellow, eight-pointed start badge), but before we could examine it completely, a gigantic beetle the size of a draft horse scuttled up the stairs to the north! Although the thing did manage to spew some weak acid all over Eldron and Storn, we killed it quickly after that. I even managed to fire a bolt through its shell.
No sooner had we killed it than a second beetle crashed out of the orange mass and charged our flank. This one spewed acid all over Dolgun and before we could kill it, it was joined by a swarm of smaller beetles. Between Dolgun’s breath weapons (now he can breath ice out of his mouth as well as fire) and one of my alchemist fires, we managed to kill the giant beetle and its smaller cousins. Not wantin’ more surprises, Dolgun breathed fire all over the remaining beetles and the mass of orange organic…whatever. Although it created a cloud of acrid smoke, it also revealed three bodies which we recovered and looted.
Looks like three more guys in red, leather armor (complete with yellow, eight-pointed stars) died here. We recovered several potions and a magic pearl that will apparently allow Trogdor to cast more healing spells. That sounds like a good find to me!
The stairs led down into a largish roomful of five feet or so of water. As we began to explore it, a creature that appeared to be made of water attacked us. Carenthal identified it as a Water Elemental. After a quick exchange of weapons, Dolgun was getting pretty beat up, so I dug deep and killed it with a pair of Magic Missiles.
In a small side room, Dolgun discovered a Ghoul. Although the Undead creature tried to eat him, Dolgun’s shield and armor kept the thing at bay long enough for Trogdor to arrive. Now, up until this time, I’d not seen Trogdor do anythin’ other than heal people – and believe me, I’m not minimizing the importance of his healin’ spells. When he got within in sight of the Ghoul, however, he raised his holy symbol and called forth some kind of divine power, reducing the creature to a whirlin’ cloud of dust!
We collected some treasure (including the red lantern and a magic short sword now carried by Sparrow even though she seems to prefer spears) and climbed back up to the lantern room. After seein’ what would happen at each lantern station, we discovered that there was only the one more elevator down and a ledge above the blue lantern leadin’ to parts unknown.
Session 2 - Into the Whispering Cairn
3rd of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
This morning I set a clever trap for that thievin’ whore, Noraa. I put my Arcane Mark on the onyx I got outta the Lizardfolk den near the lake. Then I arranged to have the gem “accidentally” fall out of my pack where I knew Noraa would find it. When I went back later and found the gems missin’, I knew she’d fallen for it. So, I asked the whole company if anyone had seen the gem I dropped. I even make sure to make eye-contact with Noraa when I asked. She said nothin’. One Detect Magic later and we discovered the gem in Noraa’s pouch. Even when caught red-handed, Noraa lied, claimin’ she hadn’t heard me mention the gem. The lyin’ bitch.
Jasper caught someone lurkin’ around the compound. It turned out to be a friend of Dolgun’s. A Tiefling archer named Hine with glowing eyes.

This morning I set a clever trap for that thievin’ whore, Noraa. I put my Arcane Mark on the onyx I got outta the Lizardfolk den near the lake. Then I arranged to have the gem “accidentally” fall out of my pack where I knew Noraa would find it. When I went back later and found the gems missin’, I knew she’d fallen for it. So, I asked the whole company if anyone had seen the gem I dropped. I even make sure to make eye-contact with Noraa when I asked. She said nothin’. One Detect Magic later and we discovered the gem in Noraa’s pouch. Even when caught red-handed, Noraa lied, claimin’ she hadn’t heard me mention the gem. The lyin’ bitch.
Jasper caught someone lurkin’ around the compound. It turned out to be a friend of Dolgun’s. A Tiefling archer named Hine with glowing eyes.
Moradin's Day of Honor
Apparently today is some Dwarven holiday. And apparently, the way Dwarves celebrate Moradin’s birthday (or whatever this holiday’s all about) is to get drunk. I mean really drunk. First thing in the morning’! Next thing I know, Eldron has picked me up and is spinnin’ me over his head, tellin’ me he wasn’t gonna stop till I had a drink.
It’s not that I don’t drink. I just don’t start getting’ drunk first thing in the mornin’.
When Igor (that slow, Damaran kid who was gonna take us to the Whisperin’ Cairn) arrived, it took us several hours to convince the Dwarves to put down their tankards so we could go to the cairn There was some concern that if we didn’t go now, those adventurer’s from Waterdeep would get there first.
Apparently today is some Dwarven holiday. And apparently, the way Dwarves celebrate Moradin’s birthday (or whatever this holiday’s all about) is to get drunk. I mean really drunk. First thing in the morning’! Next thing I know, Eldron has picked me up and is spinnin’ me over his head, tellin’ me he wasn’t gonna stop till I had a drink.
It’s not that I don’t drink. I just don’t start getting’ drunk first thing in the mornin’.
When Igor (that slow, Damaran kid who was gonna take us to the Whisperin’ Cairn) arrived, it took us several hours to convince the Dwarves to put down their tankards so we could go to the cairn There was some concern that if we didn’t go now, those adventurer’s from Waterdeep would get there first.
The Whispering Cairn
We finally got the Dwarves and some extra equipment (includin’ a couple of healing potions) and headed out to the Whisperin’ Cairn. True to its name, the cairn seemed to almost be breathin’ and with each exhalation came a strange whisperin’. Dolgun seemed to think there were words in the whisperin’, but I couldn’t hear nuthin’.
We finally got the Dwarves and some extra equipment (includin’ a couple of healing potions) and headed out to the Whisperin’ Cairn. True to its name, the cairn seemed to almost be breathin’ and with each exhalation came a strange whisperin’. Dolgun seemed to think there were words in the whisperin’, but I couldn’t hear nuthin’.
The first thing of any interest we found was an old bedroll. Dolgun roasted it with his flamin’ snot because it was infested with fleas. Apparently, Dolgun‘s adverse to tiny vermin. That could be fun…
In the next alcove, we found five pieces of strange, broken, black glass. It’s not obsidian, but none of us could be sure what it was. It looks like it must have been part of a larger mirror, because we found half a broken mirror frame a little deeper in the cairn. On the base of the frame’s pedestal, there was some sigil that Carenthal said was symbol of the Wind Dukes of Kaleem.
In the next alcove, we found five pieces of strange, broken, black glass. It’s not obsidian, but none of us could be sure what it was. It looks like it must have been part of a larger mirror, because we found half a broken mirror frame a little deeper in the cairn. On the base of the frame’s pedestal, there was some sigil that Carenthal said was symbol of the Wind Dukes of Kaleem.
We didn’t get to discuss it too much, however, because we were suddenly beset by half a dozen wolves! The wolves rushed Noraa (who was way up ahead of us) and took her down in a flurry of fangs and fur (oh darn). Eldron rushed in and killed one of the wolves with his greataxe. Hine shot and killed one with his longbow. Dolgun stuck several of the wolves in his fire so I shot one while it was struggling in the sticky flames. Carenthal rushed up to heal Noraa (although I have no idea why he’d be in such a hurry to heal her). Eldron killed another wolf. Storn killed a wolf with his great falchion. Hine put an arrow right in the alpha male’s eye and dropped it hard. The last wolf tore into Noraa again and dropped her (but didn’t kill her – stupid wolf) and ran off. Dolgun burned it down, however, before it could escape.
We didn’t get to discuss it too much, however, because we were suddenly beset by half a dozen wolves! The wolves rushed Noraa (who was way up ahead of us) and took her down in a flurry of fangs and fur (oh darn). Eldron rushed in and killed one of the wolves with his greataxe. Hine shot and killed one with his longbow. Dolgun stuck several of the wolves in his fire so I shot one while it was struggling in the sticky flames. Carenthal rushed up to heal Noraa (although I have no idea why he’d be in such a hurry to heal her). Eldron killed another wolf. Storn killed a wolf with his great falchion. Hine put an arrow right in the alpha male’s eye and dropped it hard. The last wolf tore into Noraa again and dropped her (but didn’t kill her – stupid wolf) and ran off. Dolgun burned it down, however, before it could escape.

More Wolves
The Clerics got Noraa back on her feet just in time for us to get jumped by another five wolves. I fired my crossbow (more in panic than due to any lightning reflexes) and hit one wolf square. Eldron ran in and killed one, but then got tripped and mauled by the other wolves! Dolgun also got tripped and bitten, but then he just breathed fire on them from the ground. I killed the wolf I had shot earlier with a Magic Missile. Then, as everyone else was trying to save the people on the ground, I killed another one with a well placed crossbow bolt. Hine killed the alpha female with another amazin’ bow shot and Dolgun finished off the last wolf by takin’ a big swig from his keg and blowin’ flamin’ ale all over the poor dog.
The Clerics got Noraa back on her feet just in time for us to get jumped by another five wolves. I fired my crossbow (more in panic than due to any lightning reflexes) and hit one wolf square. Eldron ran in and killed one, but then got tripped and mauled by the other wolves! Dolgun also got tripped and bitten, but then he just breathed fire on them from the ground. I killed the wolf I had shot earlier with a Magic Missile. Then, as everyone else was trying to save the people on the ground, I killed another one with a well placed crossbow bolt. Hine killed the alpha female with another amazin’ bow shot and Dolgun finished off the last wolf by takin’ a big swig from his keg and blowin’ flamin’ ale all over the poor dog.

Another Wolf
So we get all recovered again. Noraa says she can hear something’ down the hole the wolves came out of, so she crawls in and quickly gets mauled by a wolf guarding a couple of wolf pups. Dolgun and Eldron teamed up to kill the wolf. Inside the den, they found three wolf pups (which Eldron put in a bag and refused to give up) and an ornate indigo lantern.
Once again, the wolves injured Noraa, but failed to kill her. If she keeps up this recklessness, however, I guess I won’t have to worry about getting’ Morgan to expel her from the company.
Opposite the wolf den, we found an amazingly detailed fresco of a room with seven “arms,” at the end of each arm, hung a colored lantern. The indigo-colored lantern looked exactly like the lantern we had just found in the wolf den. So, we continued north only to find ourselves in the same chamber depicted in the fresco.
That’s strange. Why have a fresco in a tomb of a room that is also on the same tomb?
So we get all recovered again. Noraa says she can hear something’ down the hole the wolves came out of, so she crawls in and quickly gets mauled by a wolf guarding a couple of wolf pups. Dolgun and Eldron teamed up to kill the wolf. Inside the den, they found three wolf pups (which Eldron put in a bag and refused to give up) and an ornate indigo lantern.
Once again, the wolves injured Noraa, but failed to kill her. If she keeps up this recklessness, however, I guess I won’t have to worry about getting’ Morgan to expel her from the company.
Opposite the wolf den, we found an amazingly detailed fresco of a room with seven “arms,” at the end of each arm, hung a colored lantern. The indigo-colored lantern looked exactly like the lantern we had just found in the wolf den. So, we continued north only to find ourselves in the same chamber depicted in the fresco.
That’s strange. Why have a fresco in a tomb of a room that is also on the same tomb?
The Burial Tomb
The domed chamber was just like in the fresco, except the red and indigo lanterns were missing. Well, we had the indigo lantern, so really only the red one was missing. Noraa set of some sort of fire trap on the sarcophagus in the middle of the room when she opened it up, but no one was seriously hurt. It was more of just a flash of fire as opposed to anything really dangerous.
Of course, the sarcophagus was empty. Who traps an empty coffin? I figure it must be a false tomb and the fact that none of these “arms” have exits is a ruse. There’s probably a secret door or three in here somewhere. When we closed the lid, however, we ended up pushin’ the entire sarcophagus and its lid over like a pointer, so now instead of pointing at the orange lantern, it was pointing at the yellow lantern.
No sooner had the pointer snapped into place then we heard, or rather felt, a rumbling beneath our feet. Then, a metal tube rose up out of the floor below the yellow lantern! When it reached about the size of a man, it stopped and opened up, revealing a small room (maybe big enough for two people to squeeze into).
After a few minutes of discussion, we decided to see if there were other “elevators” under the other lanterns. So, we pushed the pointer towards the green lantern and sure enough, another metal tube rose up out of the ground. This one however, didn’t exactly stop at the top. It rose up about five feet or so and then looked like it got stuck. The rumbling kept going, like some huge mechanism was still pushing the tube up. Then there was a terrible clanking sound and the metal tube collapsed and fell through the floor leaving a gaping hole!
The domed chamber was just like in the fresco, except the red and indigo lanterns were missing. Well, we had the indigo lantern, so really only the red one was missing. Noraa set of some sort of fire trap on the sarcophagus in the middle of the room when she opened it up, but no one was seriously hurt. It was more of just a flash of fire as opposed to anything really dangerous.
Of course, the sarcophagus was empty. Who traps an empty coffin? I figure it must be a false tomb and the fact that none of these “arms” have exits is a ruse. There’s probably a secret door or three in here somewhere. When we closed the lid, however, we ended up pushin’ the entire sarcophagus and its lid over like a pointer, so now instead of pointing at the orange lantern, it was pointing at the yellow lantern.
No sooner had the pointer snapped into place then we heard, or rather felt, a rumbling beneath our feet. Then, a metal tube rose up out of the floor below the yellow lantern! When it reached about the size of a man, it stopped and opened up, revealing a small room (maybe big enough for two people to squeeze into).
After a few minutes of discussion, we decided to see if there were other “elevators” under the other lanterns. So, we pushed the pointer towards the green lantern and sure enough, another metal tube rose up out of the ground. This one however, didn’t exactly stop at the top. It rose up about five feet or so and then looked like it got stuck. The rumbling kept going, like some huge mechanism was still pushing the tube up. Then there was a terrible clanking sound and the metal tube collapsed and fell through the floor leaving a gaping hole!
Of course, Noraa went up to check out the hole just in time for a huge swarm of beetles to gush out followed by some kind of eye surrounded by spiky legs!
What the hell is that thing?
Noraa had run as soon as the beetles had come up the hole. That left Hine exposed and the eye thing (Carenthal called it a Mad Slasher) went right for him! The beetles, however, went straight for Hine, leaving a trail of acid bubbling and hissing behind them. Noraa went down screaming
and Dolgun breathed fire on the swarm, but hardly seemed to hurt it at all. Then the Mad Slasher turned on Storn (who had tried to attack it) and dropped him in a couple of brutal hits.
I tried to throw alchemist’s fire on the beetles, but the seething mass of bugs seemed to consciously dodge the flask of fiery death. Hine fired an arrow that went right through the Mad Slasher’s eye and out its back, killing it. Just then, Dolgun breathed fire all over the swarm again, burning or scattering the remaining beetles.
Of course, Noraa went up to check out the hole just in time for a huge swarm of beetles to gush out followed by some kind of eye surrounded by spiky legs!
What the hell is that thing?
Noraa had run as soon as the beetles had come up the hole. That left Hine exposed and the eye thing (Carenthal called it a Mad Slasher) went right for him! The beetles, however, went straight for Hine, leaving a trail of acid bubbling and hissing behind them. Noraa went down screaming

I tried to throw alchemist’s fire on the beetles, but the seething mass of bugs seemed to consciously dodge the flask of fiery death. Hine fired an arrow that went right through the Mad Slasher’s eye and out its back, killing it. Just then, Dolgun breathed fire all over the swarm again, burning or scattering the remaining beetles.
Back to Base
With two of our party down, we decided to fall back and rest and recover. To make it more difficult for anyone else to explore, we took all the lanterns with us.
With two of our party down, we decided to fall back and rest and recover. To make it more difficult for anyone else to explore, we took all the lanterns with us.
When we got back to the guild house none of the senior members were back yet. We started tellin’ Jasper about our adventure so far and somehow the subject of the rumored Owlbear and the Lizardfolk’s Black Dragon came up. That really set Jasper off. Next thing I know, Jasper has gone off to his room and outfitted himself in full battle gear! Then he starts out of the guild house, but won’t tell us where he is goin’!
I decide to go with him. I hope I make it back to write what we find.
I decide to go with him. I hope I make it back to write what we find.
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