1st of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
High Harvestide’s finally over. Overall, it was a good week for me. As my last week workin’ the main stage at the Emporium (I’m sure I’ll be back for the odd show now and then), people showed up in larger numbers than usual. I made quite a bit of gold and succeed in talkin’ Veronica into my bed.
Of course, my situation this morning’s a bit different. I woke from a fitful sleep in a new bed in the barracks of the Three Hills Adventuring Company. The bed’s not so bad, but the snoring of the Dwarves in unbearable! The two of them drank so much on the last night of High Harvestide, you’d think ale was gonna be outlawed in the mornin’! It gave me quite a grin when Jasper came in rousing everyone from their beds. I had a slight hangover, but it couldn’t have compared to what the two Dwarves would have to deal with today.
In the main hall, Morgan, Suzanna, and the others were waitin’ to greet their newest members. Suzanna started off on a typically self-righteous and down note by recitin’ some terrible sermon she had heard on the street. It was all fire & brimstone, venom & vitriol. “The joys of the rich man are nothing” she said.
Only a dirt poor son of a bitch with no aspirations of his own would ever say that. Personally, I’d like to try out the joys of a rich man before I start passin’ judgment.
Then she rattled off some nonsense about ages and how some terrible “Age of Worms” may have already started. She’s a typical Damaran woman – an expert in how to bring down a room without breakin’ a sweat.
Morgon followed up with a readin’ of the rules. Gods, I hope he plans on postin’ those somewhere because there ain’t no way I’m gonna remember most of ‘em and I doubt either of the Dwarves even heard him through the alcoholic fog they were in.
After that, we had the introductions. Let’s see what I can remember…
Carenthal – An old friend of mine. Sounds like he was in Waterdeep around the same time I was. Guess that just goes to show you how big that city really is. I had no idea he was ever there. Apparently, he’s taken his vows and is now a servant of Mystra. I guess that gives us somethin’ even more in common.
Dolgun – One of the drunk Dwarves. In fact, he was still drunk when he woke up this mornin’. During the tour he kept drinkin’. I’m sure he’ll be useful…as a doorstop or…somethin’. I remember people at the Emporium telling me about a freak-turned-clerk who could breath fire, and I guess this must be him. He claims to be able to see magic auras, but I have a hard time believing he could muster enough brain-power to be a spellcaster. I guess we’ll see. Personally, I think he’ll have drowned himself in alcohol before this ever becomes a point of contention. Oh, and he used to be a tax collector. Nice.
Het – A Calashite with a bad reputation around town. He didn’t say anything about his past, but I think everyone in the room has at least heard of him. Let’s just say that even though the box at my bed has a lock, I don’t think I’ll leave anything of value in there while Het’s in the company.
Noraa – The only woman among the new recruits and another Calishite. Wow. She’s much less feminine than I normally like, but wow. I know she said somethin’ about herself, but I’m at a loss to recall any of it right now.
Stron – Another Dwarf, but mostly sober. At first, I thought he was a typical dour, gruff, no-fun-at-all Dwarf, but I guess first impressions can be wrong. By the end of the tour, he was laughin’ along with me and making jokes of his own. I guess those Rift Dwarves really are a different breed. Seems like a real good guy and he carries a truly massive curved sword. I probably should try to keep him on my good side.
Trogdor – Another Dwarf. He was drunk too this mornin’, but he hid it a lot better than Dolgun. He claims to be a Cleric of Lathander. Huh. Never heard of no Dwarven priest of the Morninglord, but whatever. If he really does worship Lathander, he’s the most sedate Cleric of that god that I’ve even met. The clergy at the Morninglord church in Waterdeep were so upbeat it made my head hurt sometimes. Trogdor’s not like that. Must have been the booze.
Valcrist – He’s got that same sneak vibe that Het and Noraa give off, but with a little more naiveté. He also appears to have a host of ridiculous superstitions, which gives me some really funny ideas for later. Bwahahaha.
Word in the barracks is we’re expecting another pair of recruits later in the day, but I don’t know nuthin’ about them.
Next, Morgan took us on a tour of the grounds during which, it started to rain.
Note to self, the “Damaran Trap Detector” gag kills!
As the tour was wrappin’ up, a group of Calishite women busted into the building like a large flock of colorful birds all calling in a chorus of loud, trilling cries. The women were clearly panicked and began accostin’ Het and Noraa. Het started yelling at one of ‘em (which somehow calmed the women down temporarily) and then Nora started to translate for us.
The woman Het was yelling at was his mother (nice relationship there) and another of the women was Noraa’s mother. All the women were wailing about Het’s two younger brothers who had just gone missin’. Their only clue as to what happened to the two boys was a primitive necklace with fangs on it that another boy (Saleem) had found where the brothers used to be.
Morgan decided this would make a good initiation for us, and charged us to find the boys and save ‘em from whatever horrible fate awaited ‘em. Het and Noraa went with the flock of women to talk to Saleem while I led the rest of the recruits to the lake. The brief description Noraa gave me was enough for me to guess where the boys were. Kullen and I used to “use” that area of the lake for certain things. I’m pretty sure Carenthal knew where we were headed, too.
Once we got to the lake, we slowed our progress, lookin’ for signs of the boys. Het and Nora (with the women and Slaeem in tow) met up with us and, sure enough, started to head the direction I thought we needed to go. When we got to the spot Saleem said he last saw the brothers, a procession of Custodians of the Dead came trampin’ through the area, destroyin’ most of the tracks!
Carenthal managed to find what looked like the footprint of a large bird (although it later became obvious that it belonged to a Lizardfolk). He managed to pick up a trail and we started followin’ it south along the lake.
That’s when Carenthal got attacked by a crocodile! The giant lizard burst out of the water and took Carenthal down in a single rush. Luckily, with all of us around him, we were able to kill the beastie before it could drag Carenthal back into the lake. I even used a concentrated Magic Missile on the monster to make sure Care would be safe. After a couple of healing spells from Trogdor, Carenthal was back on his feet and we proceeded on.
We eventually came upon a crocodile den dug into an embankment. Tracks from the shore into the water near the den seemed to indicate that the Lizardfolk had taken it over. So, one by one, we plunged into the icy water to emerge sputterin’ and shiverin’ into an ambush!
I’m not sure how things started exactly since I was still on the shore. I wasn’t gonna just dive into the water unless I knew there was air in that burrow! So I had cast a Message spell on Het so he could update me on the situation. It must have gotten ugly fast though, because I was giving him some simple instructions and he yelled back “Busy!”
Well, at least there was air.
As it turns out, there were four Lizardfolk standing above the water on another embankment inside the burrow. Their position, the slickness of the mud, and the cold water numbin’ our fingers made it very tough to even get out of the water without getting killed.
The fight was easily as chaotic and horrible as I imagined it would be. Weapons flailed, people slipped in mud, and Dolgun breathed fire. Actually, I don’t think fire is quite right. More like gobs of flaming phlegm. Every Lizardfolk caught in his fiery breath was covered in thick, sticky gobs of flaming snot that smelled exactly like Dwarven ale. It was the most disgustin’ thing I have ever seen in my life!
It was effective, though. Without the Dwarf’s flaming breath, I don’t think we would have beaten the Lizardfolk because their slippery scales kept deflecting our weapons. At the end of the fight, the last Lizardfolk dove into the water to drown Trogdor, but I was able to kill it with a Magic Missile.
Magic Missiles are amazing. They go around allies, they go through water, they just never miss. What could possibly be better than this spell?
We took a few minutes to collect the weapons and valuables off the Lizardfolk (they didn’t have much) and then started to study the only other exit from this chamber – another narrow tunnel going under water! Before we could enter very far, however, two more Lizardfolk jumped us. They seemed to literally meld out of the mud of the tunnel to attack our front line! Despite their surprise attack, we finished ‘em off quickly, took their stuff, and started to move into the tunnel.
High Harvestide’s finally over. Overall, it was a good week for me. As my last week workin’ the main stage at the Emporium (I’m sure I’ll be back for the odd show now and then), people showed up in larger numbers than usual. I made quite a bit of gold and succeed in talkin’ Veronica into my bed.
Of course, my situation this morning’s a bit different. I woke from a fitful sleep in a new bed in the barracks of the Three Hills Adventuring Company. The bed’s not so bad, but the snoring of the Dwarves in unbearable! The two of them drank so much on the last night of High Harvestide, you’d think ale was gonna be outlawed in the mornin’! It gave me quite a grin when Jasper came in rousing everyone from their beds. I had a slight hangover, but it couldn’t have compared to what the two Dwarves would have to deal with today.
In the main hall, Morgan, Suzanna, and the others were waitin’ to greet their newest members. Suzanna started off on a typically self-righteous and down note by recitin’ some terrible sermon she had heard on the street. It was all fire & brimstone, venom & vitriol. “The joys of the rich man are nothing” she said.
Only a dirt poor son of a bitch with no aspirations of his own would ever say that. Personally, I’d like to try out the joys of a rich man before I start passin’ judgment.
Then she rattled off some nonsense about ages and how some terrible “Age of Worms” may have already started. She’s a typical Damaran woman – an expert in how to bring down a room without breakin’ a sweat.
Morgon followed up with a readin’ of the rules. Gods, I hope he plans on postin’ those somewhere because there ain’t no way I’m gonna remember most of ‘em and I doubt either of the Dwarves even heard him through the alcoholic fog they were in.
After that, we had the introductions. Let’s see what I can remember…
Carenthal – An old friend of mine. Sounds like he was in Waterdeep around the same time I was. Guess that just goes to show you how big that city really is. I had no idea he was ever there. Apparently, he’s taken his vows and is now a servant of Mystra. I guess that gives us somethin’ even more in common.
Dolgun – One of the drunk Dwarves. In fact, he was still drunk when he woke up this mornin’. During the tour he kept drinkin’. I’m sure he’ll be useful…as a doorstop or…somethin’. I remember people at the Emporium telling me about a freak-turned-clerk who could breath fire, and I guess this must be him. He claims to be able to see magic auras, but I have a hard time believing he could muster enough brain-power to be a spellcaster. I guess we’ll see. Personally, I think he’ll have drowned himself in alcohol before this ever becomes a point of contention. Oh, and he used to be a tax collector. Nice.
Het – A Calashite with a bad reputation around town. He didn’t say anything about his past, but I think everyone in the room has at least heard of him. Let’s just say that even though the box at my bed has a lock, I don’t think I’ll leave anything of value in there while Het’s in the company.
Noraa – The only woman among the new recruits and another Calishite. Wow. She’s much less feminine than I normally like, but wow. I know she said somethin’ about herself, but I’m at a loss to recall any of it right now.
Stron – Another Dwarf, but mostly sober. At first, I thought he was a typical dour, gruff, no-fun-at-all Dwarf, but I guess first impressions can be wrong. By the end of the tour, he was laughin’ along with me and making jokes of his own. I guess those Rift Dwarves really are a different breed. Seems like a real good guy and he carries a truly massive curved sword. I probably should try to keep him on my good side.
Trogdor – Another Dwarf. He was drunk too this mornin’, but he hid it a lot better than Dolgun. He claims to be a Cleric of Lathander. Huh. Never heard of no Dwarven priest of the Morninglord, but whatever. If he really does worship Lathander, he’s the most sedate Cleric of that god that I’ve even met. The clergy at the Morninglord church in Waterdeep were so upbeat it made my head hurt sometimes. Trogdor’s not like that. Must have been the booze.
Valcrist – He’s got that same sneak vibe that Het and Noraa give off, but with a little more naiveté. He also appears to have a host of ridiculous superstitions, which gives me some really funny ideas for later. Bwahahaha.
Word in the barracks is we’re expecting another pair of recruits later in the day, but I don’t know nuthin’ about them.
Next, Morgan took us on a tour of the grounds during which, it started to rain.
Note to self, the “Damaran Trap Detector” gag kills!
As the tour was wrappin’ up, a group of Calishite women busted into the building like a large flock of colorful birds all calling in a chorus of loud, trilling cries. The women were clearly panicked and began accostin’ Het and Noraa. Het started yelling at one of ‘em (which somehow calmed the women down temporarily) and then Nora started to translate for us.
The woman Het was yelling at was his mother (nice relationship there) and another of the women was Noraa’s mother. All the women were wailing about Het’s two younger brothers who had just gone missin’. Their only clue as to what happened to the two boys was a primitive necklace with fangs on it that another boy (Saleem) had found where the brothers used to be.
Morgan decided this would make a good initiation for us, and charged us to find the boys and save ‘em from whatever horrible fate awaited ‘em. Het and Noraa went with the flock of women to talk to Saleem while I led the rest of the recruits to the lake. The brief description Noraa gave me was enough for me to guess where the boys were. Kullen and I used to “use” that area of the lake for certain things. I’m pretty sure Carenthal knew where we were headed, too.
Once we got to the lake, we slowed our progress, lookin’ for signs of the boys. Het and Nora (with the women and Slaeem in tow) met up with us and, sure enough, started to head the direction I thought we needed to go. When we got to the spot Saleem said he last saw the brothers, a procession of Custodians of the Dead came trampin’ through the area, destroyin’ most of the tracks!
Carenthal managed to find what looked like the footprint of a large bird (although it later became obvious that it belonged to a Lizardfolk). He managed to pick up a trail and we started followin’ it south along the lake.
That’s when Carenthal got attacked by a crocodile! The giant lizard burst out of the water and took Carenthal down in a single rush. Luckily, with all of us around him, we were able to kill the beastie before it could drag Carenthal back into the lake. I even used a concentrated Magic Missile on the monster to make sure Care would be safe. After a couple of healing spells from Trogdor, Carenthal was back on his feet and we proceeded on.
We eventually came upon a crocodile den dug into an embankment. Tracks from the shore into the water near the den seemed to indicate that the Lizardfolk had taken it over. So, one by one, we plunged into the icy water to emerge sputterin’ and shiverin’ into an ambush!
I’m not sure how things started exactly since I was still on the shore. I wasn’t gonna just dive into the water unless I knew there was air in that burrow! So I had cast a Message spell on Het so he could update me on the situation. It must have gotten ugly fast though, because I was giving him some simple instructions and he yelled back “Busy!”
Well, at least there was air.
As it turns out, there were four Lizardfolk standing above the water on another embankment inside the burrow. Their position, the slickness of the mud, and the cold water numbin’ our fingers made it very tough to even get out of the water without getting killed.
The fight was easily as chaotic and horrible as I imagined it would be. Weapons flailed, people slipped in mud, and Dolgun breathed fire. Actually, I don’t think fire is quite right. More like gobs of flaming phlegm. Every Lizardfolk caught in his fiery breath was covered in thick, sticky gobs of flaming snot that smelled exactly like Dwarven ale. It was the most disgustin’ thing I have ever seen in my life!
It was effective, though. Without the Dwarf’s flaming breath, I don’t think we would have beaten the Lizardfolk because their slippery scales kept deflecting our weapons. At the end of the fight, the last Lizardfolk dove into the water to drown Trogdor, but I was able to kill it with a Magic Missile.
Magic Missiles are amazing. They go around allies, they go through water, they just never miss. What could possibly be better than this spell?
We took a few minutes to collect the weapons and valuables off the Lizardfolk (they didn’t have much) and then started to study the only other exit from this chamber – another narrow tunnel going under water! Before we could enter very far, however, two more Lizardfolk jumped us. They seemed to literally meld out of the mud of the tunnel to attack our front line! Despite their surprise attack, we finished ‘em off quickly, took their stuff, and started to move into the tunnel.
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